Harsh Agarwal
Hii!! Welcome
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Here you'll get to know about my journey as an Engineer. You can go through my portfolio and suggest me if anything is required to be furnished.
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Street Fighter Game

Build this game by using just basic concept of Java that follows basic OOPs and followed SOLID Principle.

Breaking Copyrights

A platform to play copyrights free music untill you fresh out yourself.

MultiUser Chat App

Created a multiuser chat app in Java, providing real-time communication and collaboration among multiple users.

TicTacToe Game

Created this 2D responsive game using Swing-GUI

Me and
MyTech Stack

Hi Everyone My name is Harsh Agarwal I am a dedicated student currently pursuing my fourth year of studies in DIT University. Alongside my academic pursuits, I have developed a strong passion for Front End Development and Software Development. Through various projects, I have honed my skills in creating dynamic and visually appealing web applications.

With an innovative mindset and attention to detail, I consistently strive to deliver seamless user experiences. Actively engaged in enhancing my skills, I am currently working on challenging projects that provide opportunities for growth and allow me to stay abreast of the latest industry trends.


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